Now I'll show you how to create this star. It looks really cool.

Create beveled star

Step 1

I create a new document and use the star tool.

It is important - when I click in, I can set this - that I have set 5 points.

I now draw a star with it.

Create beveled star

Step 2

Then I fill it with a color, for example yellow.

Create beveled star

Step 3

It is very important that I now draw lines from the points to the opposite corner.

It is very helpful if you have activated the check mark for View>Intelligent guidelines, as this allows you to hit the corners and tips more precisely.

Create beveled star

Step 4

I select the star. Now I can get straight to work with the interactive paint tool and fill the areas with a slightly darker color.

Create beveled star

Step 5

I still have to remove the outline.

It looks good like this.

Create beveled star

Step 6

This has automatically become a group and I can simply grab the star and drag it directly into my picture.

It's a bit too big at first. So I hold down the Shift keyand make it proportionally smaller until it fits exactly.

Create beveled star

Step 7

Or I drag it onto the other image.

You could also apply a drop shadow...

Create beveled star

... and it looks quite good.

Create beveled star

I hope you were able to pick up a few tricks and I'll see you at the next tutorial.