Video editing with Adobe Premiere Pro CC - basics & practice (tutorial)

Introduction to Adobe Premiere Pro CC: First Steps and Presettings

All videos of the tutorial Video editing with Adobe Premiere Pro CC - basics & practice (tutorial)

In this tutorial, you will be introduced step by step to the first steps in Adobe Premiere Pro CC. You will learn how to find the program upon first opening, what settings you can adjust, and what to consider when starting out with video editing. The user interface and the preferences will be illuminated from various perspectives to facilitate your entry.

Key Takeaways

  • Premiere Pro CC opens by default with a homepage that provides access to previous projects and new files.
  • The user interface can be customized by moving windows via drag-and-drop.
  • Important preferences include audio devices, autosave, and memory usage settings.

Step-by-Step Guide

Upon the first launch of Adobe Premiere Pro CC, you will find a user interface that may look similar to my example. Typically, you will be offered an internal Adobe training program at this point, which you can simply dismiss.

Introduction to Adobe Premiere Pro CC: First steps and important settings

If a previous project is displayed, you can open it or simply create a new project. Regardless of your choice, both paths lead to the standard interface, which we will explore together below.

If your interface looks different, you can reset the workspace under "Window" to return to the standard layout. This is particularly useful if you have altered the user interface during testing and wish to return to the default settings.

Introduction to Adobe Premiere Pro CC: First steps and important settings

An important concept in Premiere Pro is the drag-and-drop principle. This allows you to move almost any window or element to a location that suits you. For example, you can drag and drop the effects panel to a different position within the user interface.

Introduction to Adobe Premiere Pro CC: First steps and important settings

Now let's look at the preferences. Go to the "Edit" menu and click on "Preferences". Here, we will start with the general settings. You can specify which view should be displayed when the program starts – usually, it is the homepage that provides access to your last project.

Introduction to Adobe Premiere Pro CC: First steps and important settings

If you prefer to work in a lighter layout, you can adjust the corresponding sliders. The highlight color is also customizable. However, I recommend keeping the default values unless you have a specific reason to change them.

Introduction to Adobe Premiere Pro CC: First steps and important settings

An important aspect in the preferences is the audio devices. Here you can set the input and output sources for audio. In my case, I want to use my external USB microphone as the input source to achieve the best possible audio quality.

Introduction to Adobe Premiere Pro CC: First steps and important settings

It is advisable to enable autosave. I recommend setting it to create an automatic backup of your project every 15 minutes. This ensures that you cannot lose more than 15 minutes of your work progress.

Introduction to Adobe Premiere Pro CC: First steps and important settings

Another important point is the memory settings. Here you can specify how much memory Premiere Pro should have access to and how much you want to reserve for other programs. This can contribute to optimizing your workflow.

Introduction to Adobe Premiere Pro CC: First steps and important settings

These are the most important options in the preferences that you should go through before starting your first project. It is perfectly fine to leave everything at default, but I have presented here some options that could help you utilize the software more efficiently.

Lastly, I want to emphasize the importance of adjusting various functions and settings as needed. In the upcoming videos, you will learn how to open and create projects, as well as how to import media to dive into video editing.


In this guide, you have learned how the program Adobe Premiere Pro CC looks like upon first opening and which basic settings are important to get started. From the user interface to the selection of audio devices to autosave – all these elements are crucial for a smooth start to your video editing projects.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I open a new project in Premiere Pro?You can open a new project by clicking on the "New Project" option on the homepage.

How do I reset the user interface to default settings?Go to "Window" and select "Workspaces," then "Reset to Saved Layout."

How do I adjust my audio devices in Premiere Pro?Go to "Edit," then "Preferences," and select "Audio Hardware" to set your input and output sources.

Should I enable autosave?Yes, it is recommended to enable autosave every 15 minutes to avoid data loss.

How much RAM should I allocate to Premiere Pro?It depends on your system, but you can specify in the preferences how much RAM Premiere Pro is allowed to use.
