Nude and erotic photography in color and black and white

Nude and erotic photography in color and black and white - 07 - Accessories

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Nude and erotic photography in color and black and white - 07 - Accessories

Accessories (also known as props in the theater world) can, ideally, "round off" a picture idea, so to speak. However, if selected or used incorrectly, they can also form foreign bodies and contradict the desired message of the picture. For example, the use of dark sunglasses in erotic photography can be observed with inflationary frequency - but I can hardly remember any of these photos in which the effect achieved was not simply superfluous or usually even embarrassing.

Fabrics and scarves

The effect of the accessories used can be completely different, which is why the choice should be made carefully. Whether erotic, playful, romantic or surrealistic - they should not only match the intended image idea, but also harmonize with the model type, which is why accessories owned by the model are preferable in the vast majority of cases.

Such problems do not arise when using accessories that are relatively neutral and therefore versatile, such as unpatterned scarves. Chiffon and similar fabrics are ideal, as chiffon scarves hug the skin beautifully, are very thin and often transparent, in short: the ideal fabric to achieve an erotic effect despite being covered.

Nude and erotic photography in color and black and white - 07 - Accessories

Scarves are accessories par excellence. They are available (almost) everywhere in all possible colors, sizes and types of fabric, can be cleaned easily and are also quite durable. In short: they are a worthwhile investment. Scarves can conceal - and yet (or thereby) emphasize the model's nakedness, as in this photo. As scarves can also be found in normal household use, they can be used excellently to emphasize the naturalness of a scene.

Items of clothing

In addition to new purchases, accessories can also be many existing items or pieces of underwear from the model's closet: For example, lingerie, stockings and suspenders, shoes and boots, tight T-shirts, shirts, (fur) coats, and (ripped) jeans, whereby the effect of these items of clothing in combination with bare skin is very erotic in most cases.

Black nylon stockings owned by the model served as accessories for this erotic nude shot. Dark nylons are generally used to make the model's legs look a little slimmer, but in this case they were used to draw the viewer's attention to the most important element of the picture, the model's shapely bottom.

Nude and erotic photography in color and black and white - 07 - Accessories

In this photo, a see-through blouse that I bought especially for this shot served as an erotic eye-catcher. Such blouses are usually available quite cheaply in every city in the branches of fashion chains for young people (e.g. H&M). (This blouse cost just DM 19.95, i.e. 10 euros).

Nude and erotic photography in color and black and white - 07 - Accessories

However, if you buy clothes especially for nude photos, make sure that the garment matches the model type so that the content of the picture harmonizes with the desired statement and the credibility of the picture story (of the photo) does not suffer. For example, the same (nostalgic-looking) blouse would certainly be out of place in combination with a punk or sporty type.

Underwear is also often used in nude and erotic photography. The reason for this may be that the model does not have to be completely naked in front of the camera and yet clearly erotic image content can be conveyed. For example, many lingerie photos radiate an intimacy that is rather alien to classic nude photos.

Nude and erotic photography in color and black and white - 07 - Accessories

It is common knowledge among nude and erotic photographers that a model with little clothing often has a more erotic effect on the viewer than one who is completely undressed. Incidentally, this is a fact that the well-known glossy men's magazines also regularly make use of.

Jewelry accessories

Jewelry as an accessory in erotic photography is actually very obvious, as its general function is to beautify the (not only female) body. This is why it is used regularly, especially in glamor photography (see GQ, Maxim, Playboy, Penthouse and other magazines). Ideally, it is so widespread that almost every model has a large selection from which to choose the right item for the right effect.

In addition, a more or less large selection of inexpensive costume jewelry can be purchased over time and added to the prop pool, which can then be used when needed.

Nude and erotic photography in color and black and white - 07 - Accessories

The company Ingwer-Fashion supplies unusual jewelry accessories that are ideal for erotic photography: indestructible necklaces, jewelry dresses, bustiers and vests made of knotted and interwoven brass chains, which are optionally provided with an alloy of chrome, silver or gold and are of course worn alone in the context of erotic photography. The hairstyle, plush armchair, the elegant jewelry dress and soft sidelight lend this photograph from 1997 its nostalgic character.

Plants, leaves and Blums

Blums, and roses in particular, are often used in nude photography as symbolic props, especially for romantic photos. While some may dismiss this as kitschy, others feel a sense of tenderness, romance or even mysticism at the sight of them. But palm leaves and orchids (exotic), lilies (noble), field flowers (rustic) and - for the hard-boiled among nude photographers - cacti (as a phallic symbol for SM devotees) can also be used in erotic photography.

Nude and erotic photography in color and black and white - 07 - Accessories

For this photo of a Venezuelan woman's beautiful bottom, I used two palm fronds as simple but effective props. My mother-in-law actually wanted to throw the entire plant in the bin, but I managed to secure the three or four most beautiful fronds first.

Other accessories

Everyday objects that are available at the respective location or can be procured in an almost unbelievable variety at flea markets or in furniture stores or gift stores are also often suitable for enhancing the image. Here it depends on the photographer's imagination to place common and seemingly banal objects in a meaningful relationship to the main motif.

Whether the desired image statement can be realized depends not only on the prop, but above all on the model and his or her posture.

In many cases, the props help to keep the model (or usually the model's hands) occupied - a fact of importance, as anyone who has ever had to model or give a speech knows.

Nude and erotic photography in color and black and white - 07 - Accessories

If the props have the primary task of keeping the model's hands busy, care should be taken to ensure that the use of both hands is not absolutely necessary. This could cause problems with the composition of the picture and could severely limit the number of possibilities for advantageous poses. However, it was different with this photo, where the prop was an essential part of the picture idea.

Nude and erotic photography in color and black and white - 07 - Accessories

As a rule, it is completely sufficient if the photographer always pays attention to seemingly unimportant things at the shooting location: For example, a cleaning rag or broom can be used to turn an erotic "house cleaning" motif into reality.

Caution is advised with everyday objects that dozens or even hundreds of other photographers have used before you and which are likely to elicit a stifled yawn from the viewer: using a telephone/mobile phone as an erotic prop, for example, has long since become absolutely "out"!

Nude and erotic photography in color and black and white - 07 - Accessories

While the suitability of many accessories is immediately recognizable, there are also objects that don't seem to be suitable for erotic photography at first glance. However, such objects should be used with great care in conjunction with the naked human body so as not to fall into a gimmicky situation in which the model only plays the role of an extra.

The same applies here: "Less is sometimes more!" However, this photo was a commissioned work for a customer who sells brake disks, among other things, and wanted to advertise them effectively - and erotically.

Nude and erotic photography in color and black and white - 07 - Accessories

A sample contract for a model release is available as working material.