In today's world, smooth communication between graphic designers and editors is essential to ensure the quality of projects. Adobe InCopy CC offers you an excellent way to facilitate this exchange. With the notes function, you can leave helpful comments directly in the document without having to resort to lengthy emails or phone calls. In this guide, you'll learn how to use notes in InCopy to collaborate efficiently with your graphic designer or team.
Key takeaways
- The notes feature allows you to leave annotations directly in the document.
- Notes can have individual colors and author names, which makes identification easier.
- You can easily change the note-taking tool and make notes visible directly in the text.
- Checking items in and out is crucial for collaboration.
Step-by-step guide
To create notes within Adobe InCopy CC, follow these simple steps:
First, make sure you're working in the right document. Open the InCopy document you're working on and prepare to add a note. A quick example is if you want to leave a message for a graphic designer before you return the document.

Now you have the option to leave a note in the document. This is particularly useful for communicating directly on the text without having to use external means of communication. Click on the corresponding tool for notes, which you can find in the toolbox or in the menu under "Notes".
Use the tool to activate a note at the desired location in the document. Here you could, for example, tell your graphic designer whether they could possibly enlarge the image a little. This allows you to give direct and simple feedback without having to formulate complicated explanations in emails.
Once you have created a note, it is important to check it. Your graphic designer may also leave notes, so check them regularly. Skip through the document to see if there are notes elsewhere. This feedback is crucial for a smooth workflow.

If you saw a note that may no longer be relevant, you can easily delete it. You can also immediately see who wrote what, as the author and timestamp of the note are also displayed.

Once the note is no longer needed, you can delete it with one click. This helps to keep the document clean and clear, which is particularly important if you are working on a project with several people.

The notes also appear as small symbols in the text. This means you don't lose track of them and can easily find them while you are working on other content. This is particularly helpful in the layout, but also in the text itself, as you can quickly see where notes have been made.

In summary, you always have an overview of all feedback and can easily respond to it. When you have finished editing, make sure to close and check in all elements so that the graphic designer can access everything again.
If you try to close the document, you will be shown that elements still need to be checked in. This ensures that all data is updated and communicated before you finish the work.

In this tutorial, you learned how the Notes feature in Adobe InCopy CC can help you improve sharing and collaboration with graphic designers. The notes feature allows you to leave comments directly in the document, optimizing communication channels and avoiding misunderstandings.
Frequently asked questions
How do I create a note in InCopy? You can create a note by selecting the Notes tool in the toolbox and clicking where you want it in the document.
Can I change the color of my notes?Yes, you can change the color of your notes in the note tool settings to make them easier to identify.
How can I delete a note?A note can be deleted by selecting it and clicking on the delete icon or pressing the delete key.
What happens if I want to close the document?If you try to close the document, InCopy will notify you that there are still items to be checked out and remind you to do so.