New file - Save to cloud
All workstations/preferences/symbols are saved directly to the cloud here. This allows you to work on several PCs and have the same settings everywhere. Can also be done later withPreferences>Synchronize settings. Or click on the cogwheel at the bottom left to synchronize the current setting.

Improvements in use
Retina display adaptation (symbols redrawn), the open dialogin Windows Explorer shows Illustrator files with preview image. Touch gestures: On screens with touch, you can zoom in with two fingers, for example, or with graphics tablets. The drawing area can also be rotated with touch or scrolled back and forth.
Search for colors
Search for colors using either the color picker or the color swatches control panel(can be shown there using the menu option).
New colors with Kuler - with web connection + synchronization
Adobe Kuler is already available in CS6, but in CC all color schemes are created/managed online and can be synchronized in Illustrator with a click. Kuler is there to choose suitable colors for layouts, because not everyone finds it easy to choose appealing colors.
AutoCAD format can be opened and saved again.
From now on, AutoCAD files can not only be opened, but also saved (even properly when layers are hidden, etc.)
Perspective grid
The perspective grid can be hidden by pressing Esc as long as the icon is active. Guide lines can be created by double-clicking in the ruler. Ctrl+Drag from the section area for guides to create two at once.
Placing several images
Place several images (preferably via File>Place, otherwise they will all be inserted too large via Drag&Drop ). You can use the arrow key to select different images for insertion (Esc deletes the image) as long as the images are attached to the mouse pointer. With File>Place I can also choose beforehand whether to link or not.
In the Links panel, I can embed links in the fly-out menu or deactivate embedding again.
Transforming is now possible in the same way as in Photoshop, and the angle around which it is rotated can also be set. Individual letters can now also be transformed, it is no longer necessary to convert them into a path (also possible in the Character panel>Touch-Type text tool).
As already known from InDesign, you can now combine several files under File>Package. This is particularly important if an AI file contains linked files.
Brushes with pixel images
Pixel images can now be saved as brushes (must not be linked).
Pattern brush
The pattern brush has also been revised so that the edges generate themselves.
Font preview (sections are summarized)
Font styles are now summarized, a preview is also displayed and I can now search for fonts even better.
Touch typo text tool
Without having to convert letters into a path, they can now be moved/rotated/scaled.
Interesting for web designers: When I click on elements, I can now immediately generate the appropriate CSS code.
And the last new function that has been added: The Separation Preview has been given the option Show only solid colors used.