In this tutorial about Google Sheets, you will learn everything important about data entry in Google Sheets. Many users use Google Sheets to organize, analyze, and present data. It is crucial to accurately capture different data types to achieve optimal results. We take a closer look at various data types such as numbers, texts, strings, and date entries, and their configurations.
Key Takeaways
- Google Sheets recognizes various data types such as text, numbers, and dates.
- The number of decimal places and the number format can be adjusted.
- Entering data can be made more efficient by editing multiple cells simultaneously.
- Auto-completion of data is a time-saving feature in Google Sheets.
Step-by-Step Guide
1. Basics of Data Entry
Firstly, it is important to get to know the different data types supported by Google Sheets. For example, we have the data type "Text," which can be used to store names. This includes the first name as well as the last name.
Furthermore, there is the data type "Number," also known as Integer. You can format this at any time. For example, you can switch to Euros and set thousand separators and decimal places.
2. Date Entry and Formatting
Another important point is entering date entries. Google Sheets automatically recognizes date entries, making work considerably easier. When you double-click in a cell with a date, a dialog box opens where you can select the date.

For example, let's say the employee Jonas Müller receives a salary of €2300 and has been with the company since March 13, 2019. You have the option to further adjust the date and select the entire cell range to change the format.

3. Custom Formats
In Google Sheets, you can also create custom number formats to format your numbers. By going to "More Formats," you can specify how the date or number should be displayed.

Here, you can decide whether the month should be spelled out, the day and year displayed, or if a time should be added. This gives your data a professional appearance.

4. Entering Data in Multiple Cells
An efficient method for entering information is to select multiple cells simultaneously. For example, you can highlight a cell range from D9 to E13 and enter the data gradually. When you have edited the last cell D13, the cursor automatically moves to the next cell E.
This allows for smooth data entry without having to click with the mouse every time. You can also quickly remove unwanted entries with the delete key.

5. Automatic Data Detection
Google Sheets offers a convenient automatic detection of data entries. For example, if you enter month names and drag them down, Google Sheets automatically recognizes the order from January to December and completes the list for you.

This function is particularly helpful when creating a long list. You can also use formulas to increment numerical data. For example, if you enter 10 in one cell and then write =B1+10 in the next, Google Sheets will continue this logic.

6. Editing in Mode
Another tip for working with Google Sheets is to use the F2 shortcut. With this key, you can enter the editing mode of a cell quickly to make adjustments. This function is helpful for both text and numbers.

This input method is useful not only for monthly reporting but also for annual figures. For example, if you enter 2022 and drag the field down, Google Sheets will automatically complete the list up to 2032.

In this tutorial, you have learned the basics of data entry in Google Sheets. You now know how to enter and format text, numbers, and date entries. Additionally, you have explored the benefits of autocomplete and learned how to edit multiple cells simultaneously. With these skills, you are well equipped to effectively use Google Sheets in your daily work.
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I efficiently enter data in Google Sheets?You can select multiple cells at once and then enter the data so that the cursor automatically jumps to the next cell.
Can I customize the date format?Yes, Google Sheets allows for customizing the date format through the "More Formats" menu.
What shortcut can I use to edit a cell?The F2 key allows quick access to the edit mode of a cell.
How do auto-completions work in Google Sheets?For example, when making month entries and dragging them down, Google Sheets automatically recognizes the sequence and completes it.