Working with Excel can be significantly simplified with the right tools and methods. Especially when it comes to converting created workbooks into a less editable and tamper-proof format, the PDF format is an excellent choice. In this guide, you will learn how to progressively convert Excel files into PDFs to easily and clearly present them to your customers.
Main Findings
- You can convert Excel data directly to PDF using the print function or the "Save as" function.
- Be cautious of meta-information that could be transferred to the PDF.
- PDF creation options allow you to customize the file according to your preferences.
Step-by-Step Guide
Start by opening the Excel file you want to convert into a PDF. For example, a timesheet file that has already been prepared accordingly. Here, you may have also added a logo or additional information that you want to display in the PDF.
To ensure that the representation of information in the PDF file is optimal, you can check various aspects of your layout. It is best to zoom in using the preview to look at the page details and avoid unnecessary page breaks.

Now go to the page layout to make the remaining settings. At this point, decide if you want to keep the current view or choose a different mode. The page break gives you a good overview of what corresponds to your PDF output.

Once you are satisfied with the settings, click on "File." In the next menu, select the printing options. Here, you have the option to print the file using "Microsoft Print to PDF" if you are on Windows 10. If this program is not installed, check if you have the latest version of Microsoft Office or a suitable PDF printing program.
Be cautious when creating the PDF, especially when dealing with sensitive or personal data. In the PDF options, be mindful of the meta-information or data being passed and ensure that no foreign data enters the file.

A common way to save your file is using the "Save as" function. Choose the desired location and ensure that you select the PDF format to save the file in the desired format.
In the subsequent dialog box, you have the option to set additional preferences. For example, you can enter the title of the file and specify if the PDF should be compatible with other PDF programs.

Additionally, you can specify which information to include or exclude, such as images or non-printable information. Ensure that you also consider the formatting of the elements to be exported.

When you are sure that all information is correct, click "OK." This will start the saving process. Typically, the PDF file will open automatically if you have a PDF reader like Adobe Acrobat installed.

By using a standard for PDFs, you can share documents that can be opened by customers without an Excel application. This is particularly useful to ensure a professional presentation, as the file presents the necessary data in a user-friendly format.

Regarding the printing options: You can also change the size and layout to ensure that the PDF exactly meets your requirements. You can adjust the paper format and choose between portrait and landscape orientations.

Before exporting the PDF, check the printer settings to ensure that all important information, including the formatting, is transferred correctly. For example, if you want to print in portrait mode on A4, make sure it is set accordingly.

After saving the file, you should find it in the Explorer at the location of your choice. Compare the file size between different saving methods to ensure you have chosen the method that is optimal for your needs.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments so you can get the support you need.
Saving Excel data as a PDF file not only facilitates presentation but also protects important information. By following these steps, you can effectively transfer your workbooks into a user-friendly and secure format.
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I save an Excel file as a PDF?You can select the file through "File" and then select "Save As," choosing PDF as the format.
What options do I have when saving as a PDF?You can set various options such as title, PDF compatibility, and exclude images.
What should I consider regarding metadata?Ensure that no sensitive data enters the PDF and check the metadata before saving.