Inserting videos into Word documents opens up new possibilities for your presentations and reports. You can not only use text and graphics but also add dynamic content that makes your documents more lively. This guide shows you how to effectively insert and play videos from various sources, including YouTube and Bing, into your Word document. Let's get started!

Key Takeaways

  • Videos can be inserted using Bing, YouTube, or an embed code.
  • The size and alignment of the video can be adjusted in the document.
  • Videos are digital-only and cannot be printed.

Step-by-Step Guide

First, open your Word document. You can either create a new document or use one from a previous lesson. For this tutorial, we will use the document from the last lesson to demonstrate the seamless integration of videos.

Integrate and play videos efficiently in Word documents

Now navigate to a new page in your document. It is important to choose a clear space for your video.

Integrating and playing videos efficiently in Word documents

To insert a video, go to the "Insert" tab. There you will find the "Media" option. Click on "Online Video".

Integrating and playing videos efficiently in Word documents

Now you will see various options for searching for videos. You can insert a video using the Bing web search, a YouTube search, or a video embed code. In this guide, we will use Bing web search and YouTube.

Integrate and play videos efficiently in Word documents

Let's start with the Bing web search. Enter what you are looking for in the search field, for example, an unboxing video. For this tutorial, we will search for the "Galaxy S6 unboxing".

Efficiently integrate and play videos in Word documents

In the results list, choose the video you want to insert and click on the "Insert" button.

Efficiently integrate and play videos in Word documents

Once the video is inserted, you can adjust the size by clicking and dragging the corners of the video. Positioning is also flexible: you can move the video or change the alignment.

Integrate and play videos efficiently in Word documents

Remember that inserting videos into your Word documents is especially useful when sharing the document with others. Your recipient can play the videos directly in the document, which significantly facilitates information exchange.

Efficiently integrate and play videos in Word documents

An important note: Videos cannot be printed. When you print your document, only a screenshot of the video will be displayed. The video remains digital-only.

To play the video, simply click on it. A new window will open where you can watch the video directly on YouTube.

Integrate and play videos efficiently in Word documents

Now let's see how to insert a video directly from YouTube. Again, go to "Online Videos" and perform a search on YouTube.

Efficiently integrate and play videos in Word documents

For example, enter "Unboxing Video" in the search bar and click on "Search".

Integrate and play videos efficiently in Word documents

Choose a video from the results list and insert it. This video will be displayed in a different format, offering you additional customization options.

Integrate and play videos efficiently in Word documents

As before, you can adjust the size and layout options. The video will continue to be displayed as a screenshot, with the play button highlighting that it is a video.

Efficiently integrate and play videos in Word documents

When you click on the image, the video will open in the YouTube window, regardless of the changes made to the image format.

Integrate and play videos efficiently in Word documents

That's it! You have now learned how to insert videos into Word documents. It's an easy and effective way to make your documents more interactive. If you have any questions, just leave a comment, and I'll be happy to help.

Efficiently integrate and play videos in Word documents


You have now seen how easy it is to insert and play videos in your Word document. With just a few clicks, you can create exciting content that enhances your presentations and significantly improves the user experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I insert videos into a Word document?You can insert videos into your document via the "Insert" tab, then "Media," and "Online Video."

Can I print videos?No, videos cannot be printed. Only a screenshot will be displayed in print.

Where can I find the embed code for videos?You can often find the embed code on YouTube under the Share buttons of a video.

How do I resize an inserted video?Click on the corners of the video and drag to adjust it.

Can I insert videos from other platforms?Yes, you can also insert videos from other platforms via Bing or embedding codes.
