The role of a project manager requires a variety of qualities and skills. It is often not enough to just have technical knowledge or leadership qualities. In order to successfully manage projects, it is essential to be aware of one's own strengths and weaknesses. Self-assessment can help you gain these insights. In this guide, you will learn how to evaluate your skills in project management.

Key Insights

Self-assessment as a project manager is done by reflecting on specific qualities and attitudes crucial for the position. It is important that you provide more yes than no answers to determine if you are suitable for this role. Key factors include curiosity, optimism, planning skills, and willingness to take risks. An honest self-evaluation will not only help you in your current role but also serve as a valuable foundation for personal and professional development.

Step-by-Step Guide to Self-Assessment

1. Establish a Basis

Before you begin your self-assessment, obtain the appropriate template that you can also print out. This template contains various questions and aspects that you need to evaluate. Timer: 3 seconds.

Self-assessment in project management - Important steps for you

2. Curiosity and Willingness to Learn

Reflect on whether you are curious about new tasks. Success in project management requires the willingness to accept changes and new challenges. If you tend to resist innovations and prefer to stay within what is familiar, it could be a bad sign for your suitability as a project manager. Timer: 56 seconds.

3. Optimism vs. Pessimism

Check if you are optimistic when facing new challenges. A pessimistic mindset can have a negative impact on your team. In project management, optimism is crucial to finding solutions in difficult situations and motivating the team. Timer: 116 seconds.

Self-assessment in project management - Important steps for you

4. Structuring and Planning

Evaluate how well you plan and organize tasks. Are you able to approach projects in a structured manner, or do you let your emotions or external circumstances guide you? Good planning is essential to keeping an overview of projects and managing them successfully. Timer: 138 seconds.

5. Ability to Improvise

A project plan rarely follows the predefined scheme. Here, your ability to improvise is required. Consider whether you are able to quickly find solutions when things do not go as planned, such as technical difficulties during a presentation. Timer: 166 seconds.

6. Risk Management

One of the most important elements in project management is recognizing and managing risks. Do you have a sense of the economic opportunities and risks associated with your project? Do you simply neglect these aspects? Reflect on this and take necessary actions for improvement. Timer: 190 seconds.

Self-assessment in project management - Important steps for you

7. Decision-Making and Risk-Taking

Find out if you are willing to make decisions and take risks. Dealing with risks and being aware of their significance are essential for successfully leading projects. Pay attention to whether you are also willing to abandon unprofitable projects if they are no longer viable. Timer: 258 seconds.

Self-assessment in project management - Important steps for you

8. Proactivity

Are you someone who prefers to take action before feeling pressured? The ability to actively address problems and not wait for someone else to find a solution is crucial in project management. Reflect on your proactive attitude and develop solutions independently. Timer: 312 seconds.

Self-assessment in project management - Important steps for you

9. Determination and Perseverance

Stay focused on the established goals throughout the entire project cycle. Reflect on whether you can remain motivated over longer periods and inspire others in the team. Perseverance and consistency are key qualifications for project managers. Timer: 344 seconds.

Self-assessment in project management - Important steps for you

10. Stress Management and Failures

Dealing with stress and the ability to accept failures are essential qualities of a project manager. Consider how you emotionally respond to failures or unexpected challenges. Can you learn from these experiences? Timer: 370 seconds.

11. Teamwork and Motivation

Reflect on your ability to work in groups and motivate others. Are you able to recognize the strengths and weaknesses of your team members and support them effectively? This ability is crucial to lead a successful team. Timer: 402 seconds.

12. Self-Assessment versus External Assessment

First complete the self-assessment yourself, and then have a trusted person, such as a friend or family member, also evaluate you. Compare the results and analyze the differences. This will give you valuable insights into your own behavior and reaffirm your position as a project manager or show you areas for improvement. Timer: 440 seconds.

Self-assessment in project management - Important steps for you


Self-assessment is a crucial process for anyone working in or aspiring to work in project management. By critically examining your own skills and qualities, you can gain valuable insights to help you professionally develop and ultimately be more successful.

Frequently Asked Questions

How often should I conduct my self-assessment?It is advisable to conduct your self-assessment regularly, for example, once a year.

What should I do if the results are negative?Use the insights to work on your weaknesses and take targeted improvement measures.

How can I ensure that I evaluate objectively?Have a trustworthy person accompany your self-assessment to obtain an objective perspective.