Jira is a powerful project management software that is often used in agile projects. Throughout this guide, you will be introduced step by step to the basic functions and possibilities of Jira. Let's dive right in!

Key Insights

  • You can create and manage different projects.
  • As a user, you have access to a task list, roadmaps, and a central board to manage your workflow.
  • Jira enables the application of Scrum and Kanban methods for agile project tracking.

Step-by-Step Guide

At the beginning, you should make sure you have created and activated an account on Jira. You are now in the Jira dashboard, which provides you with a clear overview of your projects and tasks.

A comprehensive tour of Jira

In the top menu bar, you will find all the relevant functions. Here, you can switch between your tasks and projects, set filters, and customize your dashboard.

If you want to create a new task or project, you can do so under the "Project" section. Simply click on "Create project" and choose whether you want to create a Scrum or Kanban project.

A comprehensive tour of Jira

Let's say you have created a test project named "Test Deutsch 1." Once you click on it, you will enter the editing window where you can view and edit detailed information about your project.

A comprehensive tour of Jira

On the left side of the screen, you will see the menu bar with various options. Here, you can view the roadmap of your project, which helps you visualize the timeline and progress of your tasks.

A comprehensive tour of Jira

In the backlog, you will see all your tasks. Here, you can create new tasks (user stories, tasks, or bugs) and assign them to your current sprint.

A comprehensive tour of Jira

For each user story, you can determine who is responsible for the task and in which status the task is, whether still in progress, already completed, or in another phase.

A comprehensive tour of Jira

Once you start your sprint, the user stories will be displayed on your board in the respective column. The board is the central point to visualize the progress of your tasks.

In the board, you can move tasks from "To Do" to "In Progress" to "Done." If you need additional columns for your board, you can add them anytime with the plus symbol.

A comprehensive walk-through of Jira

Another important aspect is the integration with Bitbucket and the Atlassian Marketplace. Here, you can add various additional tools and features to support your way of working.

A comprehensive tour of Jira

The project page is essentially a blank text page where you can keep track of contents such as meeting notes or product requirements. However, these contents can also be created and managed in Confluence, a tool specifically designed for agile goal setting.

A comprehensive tour of Jira

In addition, under "Links," you can add external websites or documents to keep your project information centralized and structured.

A comprehensive tour of Jira

Finally, there is the project management, where you can make various settings to personalize your project. This includes managing users, permissions, and other project details.

Through these basic functions, you already get a comprehensive overview of Jira and can effectively use the platform to manage your projects.


In this guide, you have learned everything important about the basic functions of Jira. From creating a new task to using sprints to managing your projects – now you are ready to make the most of the software and efficiently manage your projects.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Jira?Jira is a project management tool commonly used for agile software development.

How do I create a new project?Click on "Create Project" in the menu bar and choose the desired project type.

What are User Stories?User Stories are user requirements that can be tracked in Jira.

How can I visualize the progress of tasks?You can use a board to move tasks between different stages.

Can I integrate Jira with other tools?Yes, Jira can be integrated with various tools such as Confluence or Bitbucket.