Visualizations are essential to clearly present complex information. A flowchart is one of the most effective tools for presenting processes or workflows in a clear graphical form. In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a flowchart in Microsoft Visio that is both informative and engaging.

Key Takeaways

  • Flowcharts help visually represent processes and decisions.
  • Microsoft Visio offers various templates and shapes for creating flowcharts.
  • Creating a flowchart can be done manually or using templates.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Choose a Template

First, open Microsoft Visio. On the homepage, select the "New" option. A dialog will appear where you can choose a standard flowchart.

Creating a flowchart in MS Visio made easy

Step 2: Choose Flowchart Template

After selecting "New," you will have the option to choose between different templates. Pick a "Vertical Flowchart," which is particularly suitable for hierarchical processes.

Creating flowcharts in MS Visio made easy

Step 3: Create Diagram

Click "Create" to open the selected template. Ensure that in the left Shape menu bar, you find the standard flowchart shapes designed to represent various process components.

Create flowchart in MS Visio made easy

Step 4: Choose Shapes

Start with the first process object. Drag the "Start" shape into the diagram. Hovering over it with the cursor will give you a preview of how the shape looks and its function.

Creating a flowchart in MS Visio made easy

Step 5: Add Processes

Now add the other elements of your flowchart. Use shapes for data, decisions, and individual process components. Decisions are typically represented by diamonds.

Step 6: Insert Connection Lines

Use connection objects to link the individual shapes together. This creates a logical sequence of processes, making the overall structure clear.

Step 7: Add Process Descriptions

Click on the shapes and add appropriate labels to make the content clear and understandable. For example, the first step could be "Send Email."

Creating flowcharts in MS Visio made easy

Step 8: Define Decision Paths

Incorporate the decision elements into your diagram. Here, explain what happens when the decision is "Yes" or "No." Connect these processes accordingly.

Step 9: Finalize Diagram

Review the entire structure and add the "End" shape at the end to complete the process. You can also enter a label here.

Creating a flowchart in MS Visio made easy

Step 10: Customize and Save Diagram

Finally, customize the entire flowchart, position the arrows and shapes to provide a uniform and clear representation. Save your diagram with an appropriate name.


To effectively capture and present flowcharts, Microsoft Visio uses a variety of templates and shapes. The thoughtful arrangement of these elements not only assists in visualizing processes but also in communicating complex information.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a flowchart?A flowchart is a graphical representation of a process that visually represents steps and decisions.

What templates does Microsoft Visio offer?Microsoft Visio offers various templates such as standard flowcharts, vertical flowcharts, and more.

How can I use shapes in Visio?Shapes can be dragged from the left menu bar into the diagram to represent various process components.

How can I establish connections between shapes?Connections are made using connector objects that can be placed between the shapes.

Can I adjust my flowchart later?Yes, you can adjust the shapes and their positions at any time and save the diagram.