Whether you are just discovering Twitter or X, or already considering becoming more actively involved, there are many interesting aspects of this platform that are worth exploring. Twitter is a social network that enables a completely different type of communication than many other platforms. In this guide, I will explain to you what Twitter is, how it works, and what unique features it has to offer.
Key Insights Twitter is a social network for short-form communication with a character limit of 280 characters per tweet. It often uses hashtags and allows you to gain followers, create retweets, and send direct messages. Millions of people visit Twitter monthly, which significantly increases the potential for interactions, especially on mobile devices.
Step-By-Step Guide
1. What is Twitter?
Twitter is a network where you communicate in the form of short messages. With only 280 characters per tweet, you are limited in your expression, which makes Twitter particularly unique. Communication here is very direct and concise.

2. The Meaning of a Tweet
The post you send on Twitter is called a "tweet." The Twitter logo, a chirping bird, symbolizes this form of communication. The term "tweet" comes from the English word "to tweet", which means "to chirp."

3. Hashtags and Their Function
To increase your reach on Twitter, working with hashtags is essential. Hashtags help other users find your tweets and make them visible in relevant discussions.
4. Retweets: Repeating Posts
With the retweet function, you can share a tweet you like on your own page. This is an easy way to spread interesting content and show your followers what you appreciate.
5. Followers and Data
On Twitter, there are followers, individuals who follow you and see your tweets. There are also features to create lists and organize information selectively.
6. Direct Messages
If you want to communicate directly with someone, you can use the direct message feature. Here, you do not have to adhere to the usual 280-character limit, making communication easier.
7. User Statistics
Approximately 500 million people visit Twitter monthly without logging in. Many users see tweets without creating an account. The potential for interactions is significant, even if not all users are active.

8. Active Users and Mobile Usage
Around 68 million people in the USA actively use Twitter. An impressive number, especially considering 80% of active users access the platform via smartphones. This means you should ensure your content is also engaging on mobile devices.

9. Number of Followers
The average number of followers per user is 707. This shows that most people on Twitter are more active as consumers and are not necessarily building a large fan base.

10. Special Features and Benefits
One of the biggest advantages of Twitter is the direct exchange and the ability to react immediately to current topics.
11. Conclusion and Outlook
Now that you understand the basics of Twitter, it's up to you to get active. Use the platform to engage with others and share your thoughts. There is much to discover, so start tweeting!
Summary - Twitter: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners
Twitter is a significant social network that has a unique form of communication. The platform allows you to connect with thousands of users worldwide, exchange information in real time, and expand your network.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a tweet?A tweet is a post on Twitter and can be up to 280 characters long.
How does retweeting work?With the retweet function, you can share a post you like on your own page.
What are hashtags?Hashtags are keywords marked with a "#," which help categorize and make topics or discussions visible.
How many characters can a tweet have?A tweet can be up to 280 characters long.
Can non-registered users also see Twitter content?Yes, about 500 million people visit Twitter monthly without logging in.