The 3D Box tool in Inkscape opens up creative possibilities for designing three-dimensional graphics. This tutorial shows you how you can effectively use the tool to create templates for perspective work and generate customizable 3D boxes that can even be opened. Let's dive straight into the steps.

Main Insights

  • The 3D Box tool creates a three-dimensional box using vanishing points.
  • You can customize the box by moving anchor points and changing the colors.
  • After creation, the box can be used not only as a template but also as an interactive object.

Step-by-Step Guide

First, select the 3D Box tool from the toolbar. Click and drag. This way, you create a three-dimensional box in your document. The vanishing points on both the left and right sides are automatically generated to help you align the box perspective-wise.

Effective use of the 3D box tool in Inkscape

After creating the box, you can click on it and move it. Additionally, you can also move the anchor points of the box to adjust its dimensions. For example, by dragging an anchor point to the left, you make the box longer on that side.

By dragging the top down and the bottom up, you can view the box from different perspectives. It truly appears three-dimensional with a top, bottom, and side faces. This view allows you to work with the box in detail.

Now, it's important to customize the colors. To maintain the default color scheme of the box, select the box and go to "Edit" then "Preferences." Now select "Tools" and then "Shapes 3D Box." Make sure that the "Style Presets" option is enabled in the menu.

Effective use of the 3D box tool in Inkscape

Activate "Style Presets" and click on "Apply Selection." This way, the look of the box will be maintained when you reuse the tool in the future. This significantly increases the skill level of your box designing, as you won't have to adjust the colors repeatedly.

Effective use of the 3D box tool in Inkscape

When working with graphics, you can orient yourself to the sides of the box to align your graphics perspective-wise. Also, you can set up the vanishing points and angles of the box to enjoy even more creative freedom. These possibilities are especially interesting when creating beautiful isometric designs.

If you want to move the box a bit closer to the center, you can simply move it to the desired position and adjust the heights if necessary. To shrink or enlarge the box, use the selection tool.

An exciting step is ungrouping the box. You can achieve this by the combination "Ctrl + Shift + G" or by selecting the option "Object" in the menu and then choosing "Ungroup." This will break the box into individual interactive parts that you can move independently.

Now click on the top of the box to move it. This way, you can "open" the box by individually adjusting the side faces and the top to disassemble or close the box.

Effective use of the 3D box tool in Inkscape

With the new design possibilities, you can customize the colors of the individual parts. Perhaps you want the top dark and the sides light. This way, you can give your box a personalized look.

The 3D Box tool is particularly useful when working in perspective. It creates the necessary vanishing points that help you design graphics by providing clear references. You can effectively work with shapes and colors to perfect your design and unleash your creative style.


This guide has shown you how to effectively use the 3D Box tool to create three-dimensional boxes and explore creative freedoms in your designs. You have learned how to customize the box, choose colors, and even make the box interactive. The possibilities are virtually limitless, and now it's up to you to put what you've learned into practice.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I create a box with the 3D box tool?You select the tool, click and drag to create the box.

Can I customize the colors of the box?Yes, you can change the colors of the box in the settings to adjust your design.

What happens when I ungroup the box?The box will be broken down into individual parts that you can edit independently.

How can I adjust the vanishing points of the box?You can change the vanishing points in the tool's angle and settings menu.

Can the box be reopened later?Yes, you can reopen the box and edit the side faces individually.