Presentations are not only a way to share information but also an opportunity to encourage active dialogue and interaction with your audience. Making your audience actively participate in your presentation makes it more lively and interesting. Here you will learn how to cleverly query participant questions during your speech.

Main Insights

  • Using online tools enables participants to ask questions.
  • Anonymous questions can help in receiving honest feedback.
  • Likes on questions indicate relevance and importance to the audience.
  • Interactivity increases engagement and makes the presentation more dynamic.

Step-by-Step Guide

Start by preparing your presentation. Make sure you have the necessary access to Google Slides and the Q&A tool.

Ask questions effectively during presentations

When you are in presentation mode, you can activate special tools for audience questions. You have the option to start a new Q&A session or continue an existing one. This feature is particularly useful for live presentations as it allows for immediate response to questions.

Ask questions effectively during presentations

To start a new Q&A session, click on the respective button. You will then receive a link that informs participants where they can submit their questions. This link will also be prominently displayed in your presentation.

Ask questions effectively during presentations

Participants can submit questions using their Google account. During login, they have the option to ask their questions under their name or anonymously. This is particularly beneficial as it allows participants to ask honest and potentially sensitive questions without feeling exposed.

Ask questions effectively during presentations

Questions have a maximum character limit of 300. Next to the text input field, participants will find the option to give likes to other questions. This is a useful feature as it shows you as the presenter which questions are most important to your audience.

Ask questions effectively during presentations

If a question receives many likes, you should consider addressing it in your presentation. Questions showing high interaction will be shown to you, allowing you to prioritize the most relevant content.

To display a question during your presentation, simply go back to your presentation tool and select the relevant question. The question will then be displayed in your presentation and visible to the audience. This is an excellent opportunity to meet the specific needs and interests of your audience.

Ask questions effectively during presentations

Once you have presented a question and the discussion about it is concluded, you can hide the question at any time. This flexibility gives you control over the flow of your presentation while providing effective interactivity.

Ask questions effectively during presentations

Also, make sure to communicate at appropriate times whether questions are currently being accepted or not. This keeps the viewers informed and ensures that the feature is seamlessly integrated into your presentation.

The benefits of such an approach are significant. Integrating a participant questions tool creates a more engaging environment where listeners can actively participate, something that is often not possible in traditional offline presentations.

Ask questions effectively during presentations


Querying participant questions during your speech can significantly increase dialogue and engagement. By implementing simple steps and online tools, you can make your presentations more dynamic and enrich the learning experience for your listeners.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I ensure that all participants can ask questions?By providing a visible link to the question function in your presentation.

What happens if a question is asked anonymously?You can still address the question in your presentation, even if the sender remains anonymous.

How many characters can a question have at most?A participant can use up to 300 characters for their question.

Can I hide a question during my presentation?Yes, you can decide at any time to hide or reveal a question.
