Embedding charts in presentations can often be crucial for the clarity and impact of your content. In this tutorial, I'll show you how to embed and link charts from Google Sheets into Google Slides. This method allows you to easily update your graphics without having to recreate them every time.

Key Insights

  • Charts can easily be inserted into Google Slides.
  • Linking with Google Sheets allows for quick data updates.
  • There are different types of charts you can use (bar, column, line, and pie charts).

Step-by-Step Guide

Inserting a Chart

To insert a chart into your presentation, first open Google Slides. Then, select the desired slide area where you want to place the chart. Next, go to the "Insert" menu and choose "Chart." Here you will find various options for displaying your data.

Inserting charts from Google Sheets into Google Slides - A comprehensive guide

Choose one of the four available charts: bar chart, column chart, line chart, or pie chart. In this case, we focus on the bar chart, but the steps are similar for the other types of charts.

Linking Data in Google Sheets

You cannot simply change the chart in Google Slides. You must link it with Google Sheets to make changes. Open a new Google Sheets document and create your chart here. The data in Google Sheets is key to keeping the chart in Google Slides up to date.

When you edit your chart in Google Sheets, you have the freedom to adjust values and labels at any time. For example, you can change the names of the teams or the values of the periods. These changes will immediately affect the representation in Google Slides, but only if the chart remains linked.

Inserting diagrams from Google Sheets into Google Slides - A comprehensive guide

Updating the Chart

Once you have made changes in Google Sheets, go back to Google Slides. The chart will not be updated immediately, but you will see a button that allows you to apply the changes. Press the "Update" button to bring the chart up to date with the latest values.

Inserting charts from Google Sheets into Google Slides - A comprehensive guide

It is important to maintain the link to the Google Sheets document. If you break the link, you will lose the ability to easily update the chart. Therefore, it is advisable to keep the link active.

Customizing and Styling the Chart

Once the chart is inserted and linked, you can further customize it. You can change the size of the chart, adjust the frame, or switch colors. Use the formatting options in Google Slides to tailor the chart to the style of your presentation.

Inserting diagrams from Google Sheets into Google Slides - A comprehensive guide

Here you can also adjust the chart's transparency or contrast to ensure it looks good in the presentation. All these adjustments help make the chart more attractive and understandable.

Inserting diagrams from Google Sheets into Google Slides - A comprehensive guide


Linking Google Sheets and Google Slides allows you to effectively present your data. The update option keeps your chart always up to date without having to redo the work. Use the different types of charts and formatting options to optimize your presentation.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the steps to insert a chart into Google Slides?You need to open Google Slides, go to "Insert," and select "Chart" to create your chart.

How can I update the data in my chart?Change the data in Google Sheets and press the "Update" button in Google Slides to apply the changes.

Can I unlink from Google Sheets?Yes, you can unlink, but this means the chart will no longer update automatically.

How do I customize an inserted chart?You can change the size, colors, frame, and other formatting options in Google Slides.

What types of charts can I use?You can use bar, column, line, and pie charts.
