Using Google Docs offers numerous possibilities for more efficient work. Often overlooked are the advanced settings that help you further format and design your documents. In this tutorial, you will learn how to make optimal use of these settings to save time and improve the quality of your texts. Let's dive right in!

Key Insights

  • Personalized typography with automatic quotation marks.
  • Automatic detection of links and lists.
  • Customization options for special characters and symbols.
  • The importance of settings when composing and editing documents.

Step-by-Step Guide

Accessing the Advanced Settings

To find the advanced settings, open Google Docs and navigate to the "Tools" menu. There you will find the second-to-last entry called "Settings." Clicking on it will open a dialogue box displaying various setting options.

Google Docs: Make the most of your settings

Selecting the Typographic Settings

One of the first things you can customize are the typographic quotation marks. By default, these are active, and you can set them to automatically recognize and apply the classic quotation marks up and down. This feature ensures that your text looks professional and enhances readability.

Google Docs: Utilizing settings optimally

Recognizing Links and Lists

Another important feature is the automatic detection of links and lists. When you insert links in your text, they will be automatically detected, providing a professional look. Additionally, there is an option to display "link details," such as the title of the video you are linking to, as well as the thumbnail. This information will be shown below the inserted link.

Replacing Special Characters

Another noteworthy feature is the substitutions that occur when entering certain characters. For example, you can set up the "Copyright" symbol to automatically appear when you type "(C)," or the "Registered Trademark" symbol ("R") when you type "(R)." This function saves you time and ensures accuracy.

Experimenting with Additional Substitutions

You can also add your own substitutions, such as inserting "Ä," "ö," or special arrows. When you input "STR + arrow" followed by a space, an arrow will automatically appear. If you do not want these substitutions, you can simply disable them by removing the checkmark.

Automatically Enable Error Corrections

A convenient feature is the automatic correction of common typing errors. Here you can set it up so that certain character strings like "F e L e" are automatically converted to the correct text. This saves time when composing documents and reduces the need for manual checking.

Making Adjustments and Saving

It is important not to permanently delete any of these settings. You can turn them on or off at any time, but it's best to keep them in mind in case you need them later on. It would be frustrating if, for example, you could no longer find the copyright symbol because you accidentally deleted it.

Further Adjustments and Tips

In addition to the discussed options, there is more that you can customize. Experiment with different settings to see what works best for your workflow. Sometimes small adjustments can make a big difference, whether in the readability of your texts or the efficiency of collaboration.


The advanced settings in Google Docs offer you a variety of customization options. From typographic details to automatic link recognition and specific characters, everything is there to make it easier for you to write and edit documents. Use these features to save time and ensure a professional presentation of your content.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are typographic quotation marks in Google Docs?Typographic quotation marks are the automatically recognized and applied quotation marks that ensure a professional presentation.

How can I automatically detect links?Enable the corresponding option in the settings under "Tools" to automatically insert links and display details about them.

What happens if I deactivate the substitutions?If you deactivate the substitutions, the entered characters will no longer be automatically converted, so you will see the original text.

Can I add my own substitutions?Yes, you can make your own substitutions in the settings to automatically replace specific character strings.

What should I consider when deleting settings?It is better to simply deactivate the settings rather than delete them, as you may need them again later on.