You want to know how to print and share documents efficiently in Google Docs? Whether you want to print specific pages or share your documents with others - I'll show you how to master both in no time. This guide will walk you through the process step by step so you can make the most out of Google Docs.

Key Takeaways

  1. You can easily print and adjust documents before saving them.
  2. Through the sharing function, you can create collaborative work environments.
  3. You have various options to define the access rights of your collaborators.

Step-by-Step Guide

To print a document in Google Docs, first open your document. Click on the print button located in the top menu bar.

Google Docs: Printing and Sharing Documents

Alternatively, you can use the shortcut "Ctrl + P" to go directly to print mode. After clicking, a print preview will be displayed.

Google Docs: Print and Share Documents

In the print preview, you will get an overview of the number of pages and available printing destinations. Here you can choose whether to save the document as a PDF or in Google Drive.

Google Docs: Printing and Sharing Documents

You also have the option to print the document on your locally connected printer by making the appropriate settings. This includes choosing between black and white or color printing.

Google Docs: Print and Share Documents

Before printing, you can select specific pages that you want to print. For example, you have the option to choose only page 2 or only page 1.

In addition, you can choose how many pages per sheet should be printed. This is especially helpful for learning materials or presentations that you want to make more organized.

You also have the option to adjust the margin settings. Choose between standard margins, minimal margins, or custom values to customize the document exactly to your liking.

Another important point is customizing headers and footers. You can decide whether these should be displayed when printing.

Once everything is set according to your preferences, click on "Save" to save the document as a PDF or click on "Print" if you want to print it directly.

Google Docs: Printing and Sharing Documents

Sharing a document is equally important. In the top right corner, you will see a large blue button labeled "Share." This button is the key to collaboration in Google Docs.

When you click on "Share," you can add people to your document by entering their email addresses. These people will then need access to view or work on the document.

Google Docs: Printing and Sharing Documents

During sharing, you can also set the permissions. You can choose whether the person should be an "Editor" (meaning they can edit the document), "Commenter" (they can only leave comments), or "Viewer" (only read).

Google Docs: Printing and Sharing Documents

When you have made a document accessible to a new collaborator, they will be notified via email. This is convenient for receiving immediate feedback and collaborating in real time.

You can also send a personal message to the added user to let them know why the document was shared with them.

Another important feature is the gear symbol, which provides you with additional sharing options. Here you can specify whether editors are allowed to pass on the document or not.

Google Docs: Printing and Sharing Documents

You also have the option to allow or prohibit viewers from downloading, printing, and copying the document. This feature is particularly useful if you want the document to be viewed only, without being modified.

Once you have configured everything, you can not only send the link to the document but also copy it to share with others. It is important to note that this link is only valid for individuals you have added.

Google Docs: Printing and Sharing Documents

Now you have gone through all the necessary steps to successfully print and share a Google Docs document.


In this guide, you have learned how to print and share a document in Google Docs to make your work more efficient. The customization and collaboration features make Google Docs a valuable tool.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the steps to print a Google Docs document?Open the document, click on Print, or press "Ctrl + P" for the print preview. Select your print settings and hit Print.

How can I set the permissions of my collaborators?When you add someone, you can choose whether they are added as an editor, commenter, or viewer.

Can I share a document for viewing only?Yes, through access rights, you can add users as viewers so they can only view the document without editing it.

What happens if I share the document via the link?The link is only valid for the individuals you previously added. These individuals can access the document depending on the specified access rights.

Does every collaborator need to receive an email notification?No, you can deactivate the notification option during sharing if you do not wish for that.