Creating appealing and effective Facebook ads requires more than just creative content. One of the key components is the text used in the images. For example, if you upload an image with too much text, there is a risk that the reach of your ad will be limited. This guide will help you to check and optimize the image text of your ads using Creative Hub to achieve the maximum reach for your ads.
Key Takeaways
- The Creative Hub allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of your image text.
- Too much text on images can decrease the reach of your ads.
- There are different evaluation categories for the image text: "okay", "low", "medium" and "high".
- Optimize your image text to achieve better results.
Step-by-Step Guide
To make use of the functionalities of the Creative Hub, follow these steps.
First, log in to the Ads Manager. This is the initial step to access the Creative Hub and manage your ads.

After logging in, you will find the "Ads Manager" section in the top menu. Click on it to open the various options.
Scroll down until you find the "Creative Hub" option, and click on it.
On this page, you will see the Creative Hub, which aids you in customer acquisition. Access to this tool is vital to ensure that your Facebook ads achieve their maximum reach.
Now click on "Tools", where you will see the option "Image Text Check". Click on it to start with the image text check.

Once you click on the check, you will see four different evaluation criteria for the image text on the right side: "Image text okay", "Image text low", "Image text medium" and "Image text high". These evaluations help you quickly understand if your image text is suitable for Facebook.

To test the evaluation of the image text, upload an image that you want to use for your ad. Choose a suitable photo, for example, your background image, and upload it.

After uploading, the Creative Hub will immediately provide you with feedback on whether your image text is acceptable. An image without text is always classified as "okay", while using text can receive different ratings.
You can also try other examples, such as your logo, to see how it is rated. Click "Open" and check the rating.
If the Creative Hub indicates that the image text is low or medium, you should consider reducing the text on the image. Ideally, the image text should always be classified as "okay" to maintain the reach as effectively as possible.

In addition, you have the option to switch ad formats to see how your ad appears in different environments, such as in the Instagram feed or Instagram Stories. This is particularly helpful to understand where your image is displayed on the various platforms.

Simply select the appropriate formats and see how the image looks in the different boxes. For marketing purposes, it is important to have an idea of how your content is presented to different users.

Another useful tool in the Creative Hub is the inspiration feature. Here you can view successful ad campaigns to get inspiration and gather ideas. This can help you improve your own campaign.

Now you have learned all the necessary steps to effectively check and optimize the image text of your ads in the Creative Hub. You are now well equipped to create your ads in an appealing and targeted way.
This guide has shown you how to effectively check and optimize the image texts of your Facebook ads using the Creative Hub. The various evaluation options help you maximize the visibility and reach of your ads by ensuring that the text on the images remains within appropriate limits.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Creative Hub?The Creative Hub is a tool provided by Facebook that allows you to create and review ads.
How does image text affect my ad's reach?Having too much text on images can restrict the reach of your ad on Facebook.
What are the different evaluation criteria for image text?The criteria include: Image text okay, Image text low, Image text medium, and Image text high.
How can I check my ad formats?You can switch between different formats in the Creative Hub and preview them.
What should I do if my image text is rated low or medium?It is recommended to reduce the text on your image to ensure that your ad achieves maximum reach.