If you want to optimize your advertisements on the internet, split tests are an essential method to achieve the best results. It is not enough to simply conduct a test and wait for the results. Instead, you should test multiple variables to maximize the full potential of your campaigns. Here you will learn how to efficiently implement multi-level split tests and determine which cloud of prospective customers is most effective.

Key Insights

  • Multi-level split tests allow testing multiple variables simultaneously.
  • To obtain meaningful results, a sufficient budget is necessary.
  • Analyzing the results helps identify profitable advertisements and continuously optimize the strategy.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Define Goals and Set Budget

Start by getting an overview of the results you want to achieve. Think about which variables you want to test and set a budget. A rough guideline is around €2500 to conduct a professional test.

Step 2: Conduct Initial Tests

Let's say you want to test the gender of the target audience. Create three advertisements: one for men, one for women, and one for all. Invest €1000 in each advertisement and observe the results.

Step 3: Analyze Results

Review the results of the initial tests. The advertisement for women may generate €1200, for men €980, and the general advertisement only €600. These insights will help you decide which target audience to invest more budget in the future.

Step 4: Expand Variables

Instead of testing only one variable, increase the number of variables. Consider other variables you want to test in addition, such as age. Conduct a new split test where you keep gender as a fixed value (e.g., "All") and divide age into different groups (e.g., 25-30 years, 31-35 years, 36-40 years).

Step 5: Conduct Secondary Tests

For this test, invest another €3000 and observe the returns. It could be that a specific age group performs significantly better. Document this carefully.

Step 6: Perform Deeper Analyses

If you notice that age has a significant impact on the results, deepen your analyses. Conduct further split tests. Choose the age group that performed the best and test additional interests, such as chocolate, gummy bears, or chewing gum, to find the best adjustments to your advertising.

Step 7: Evaluate Results and Invest

After the final tests and evaluating all results, look at the most profitable advertisements. It may reveal that a specific advertisement generates the highest profit. Focus on this advertisement and invest more budget in this area.

Step 8: Continuous Optimization

Testing and optimizing your advertisements is an ongoing process. Even if you have had success once, it does not mean that this strategy will work in the long run. Conduct regular new tests to quickly respond to changes in the market.


By approaching multi-level split tests in a structured way, you will recognize the variables that have the greatest impact on your advertising results. This not only leads to a better understanding of your target audience but also promotes long-term success in your advertising efforts.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much budget do I need for a split test?A budget of around €2500 is advisable to conduct a professional test.

How many variables should I test simultaneously?It is recommended to test multiple variables to gain complete insights.

How often should I test my advertisements?Regular tests are important to be able to respond to market changes.

When do I recognize that an advertisement is profitable?An advertisement is considered profitable when the revenues exceed the expenses.

What should I do if all tests result in losses?If this is the case, review your target audiences and variables, and adjust your strategy.