Acquiring customers on the internet is an essential skill for any business. A well-structured flow can help you collect valuable contact information such as email addresses and phone numbers. This text sheds light on a specific flow of ManyChat known for its user-friendliness and effectiveness.

Key Insights

  • The flow starts with a so-called referral URL that serves as a trigger.
  • A delay is introduced to simulate the behavior of a human conversation partner.
  • The flow offers users options to provide email updates and phone numbers.
  • The simple and clear structure of the flow increases the likelihood of user participation.

Step-by-Step Guide

To successfully implement the described flow, follow these steps:

1. Create the Referral URL

The flow starts with a referral URL that redirects users to your Messenger. This URL is crucial for establishing initial contact with potential customers. Make sure the URL is appealing and clear to motivate users to click on it.

Effective customer acquisition with ManyChat

2. Implement the Trigger

Once users click on the URL, they interact with your bot. This moment of interaction is the trigger that activates the bot and initiates the conversation. Define the trigger precisely to ensure smooth interaction.

Effective customer acquisition with ManyChat

3. Add Delays for Human Interaction

To make the bot interaction appear more natural, add delays. This time delay causes the bot to pretend to type for a second before responding. This simulates the behavior of a real conversation partner and enhances user acceptance.

Effective customer acquisition with ManyChat

4. Greet the User and Ask a Question

After the introduction phase, the bot presents a friendly message addressing the user. It asks if the user would like to receive updates and information on the best deals. This is a crucial point to spark the user's interest.

Effective customer acquisition with ManyChat

5. Process User Responses

Utilize the responses to continue the conversation. For example, if the user agrees to receive updates, targeted follow-up questions should inquire about which channels they would like to be informed on - email, phone, or both.

Effective customer acquisition with ManyChat

6. Collect Contact Information

Once the user expresses their preference, it's time to capture the contact details. Here, you ask for the best email address and phone number. Ensure that the input is as straightforward as possible - allow the user to quickly confirm the email or enter a new one.

Effective customer acquisition with ManyChat

7. Thank the User and Complete the Flow

After collecting the data, thank the user for the interaction. This leaves a positive impression and increases the likelihood of the user communicating with you again in the future.

Effective customer acquisition with ManyChat

8. Analyze the Results

Monitor the performance of your flow. Which responses do most users provide? Where do they disengage from the interaction? These analyses are essential to continuously improve the flow and better cater to the needs of your target audience.

Effective customer acquisition with ManyChat


A thoughtful flow that starts with a referral URL, simulates a human conversation, and specifically asks for contact details can prove to be extremely effective. Clear structure, user-friendliness, and the integration of waiting times are crucial for the success of your digital customer acquisition.

Frequently Asked Questions

How important are delays in a flow?Delays are important to make the flow appear more human and natural.

What is a Referral-URL?A Referral-URL is a link through which users can access your bot.

How can I best collect email addresses?Specifically ask the user for their email address and allow for easy input.