If you want to be successful in online marketing and acquire customers, creating funnels is crucial. Funnel templates offer an excellent way to quickly and effectively use a predefined sales process that is already functional. This guide will show you how to activate funnel templates in Funnel Cockpit and take the first steps to creating your own funnel.
Key Takeaways
- Using funnel templates makes building a funnel easier.
- You can choose between creating your own funnel, using a funnel template, or importing a funnel.
- Each template can be customized to fit your specific needs.
- Funnel templates are common practice among successful online marketing professionals.
Step-by-Step Guide
Step 1: Open Funnel Cockpit
To create a funnel, start by opening the Funnel Cockpit. Click on the "Funnel" button in the top navigation bar of your dashboard.

Step 2: Create Funnel
After clicking on Funnel, you can choose the option "Create Funnel" on the right side. Here, you will find three different ways to create a funnel: your own funnel, a funnel template, or a funnel import.

Step 3: Select Funnel Template
For this tutorial, select the "Funnel Template" option. This is a simple and fast way to create a functioning funnel. Click "Select" to view the available templates.
Step 4: Browse Funnel Templates
You will find a variety of funnel templates, including the Freebook Funnel, Webinar Funnel, Quiz Funnel, and many more. Consider which template best fits your offering.

Step 5: Customize Funnel Template
Once you have found a suitable funnel template, you can customize it directly. Click on the desired template to see the individual funnel pages and design them according to your preferences.

Step 6: Change Content of Funnel Pages
You can replace specific content on the funnel pages. Update the standard information with your own data and offerings to make the funnel relevant and appealing.

Step 7: Insert Records and Legal Notice
Make sure to integrate the privacy policy and your legal notice into the pages. These details are important for legal requirements. Go to the respective pages and add your information.

Step 8: Publish Funnel Pages
After making all necessary adjustments, you can publish the funnel. Click on the button to ensure everything is working correctly and operational. This will help attract potential customers.

Step 9: Automate Appointment Scheduling
If you offer services, you can use integrated tools like Calendly to allow your customers to book appointments online directly. This ensures a smooth and automated process.

Step 10: Monitor Funnel
Once your funnel is live, monitor the interactions and bookings. The analytics features in Funnel Cockpit will help you assess the performance of your funnel and make adjustments as needed.
With this guide, you have learned how to activate funnel templates in Funnel Cockpit and implement your own funnel creation step-by-step. Using templates makes it easier for you to get started and saves time while making the necessary adjustments to add your personal touch.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I start creating a funnel in Funnel Cockpit?Click on the "Funnel" button in the top navigation bar.
What funnel templates are available?There are many templates such as Freebook Funnel, Webinar Funnel, and many more.
Do I need to insert my own content into the template?Yes, you should replace the default content with your own information.
How can I integrate legal requirements into my funnel?Don't forget to add your privacy policy and imprint on the respective pages.
Can I allow booking appointments for services directly through the funnel?Yes, you can integrate tools like Calendly to manage appointments automatically.