You want to know how to create effective video views advertisements on Facebook? Before starting with the advertising, it is essential to know the right steps. By creating video views advertisements, you can directly reach potential customers and spark their interest in your offer. In this guide, you will get all the information you need to create your first advertisement and effectively reach your target audience.

Key insights

  • Choosing the right campaign objective
  • Defining the target audience based on interests and demographic data
  • Optimizing ad placements for maximum reach
  • Inserting simple, engaging videos
  • Creating clear call-to-actions (CTAs)

Step-by-Step Guide

1. Create a campaign

To start creating your video views advertisement, first click on the small plus sign in the upper corner of your Facebook Ad Manager. Then select the option "Ad." The system will prompt you to choose the campaign objective. In this case, you opt for "Video Views".

Create Facebook video view ads: Step-by-step guide

2. Set goals

After selecting "Video Views," scroll down to define your main goal. The aim is to generate as many video views as possible from your target audience. Name your campaign, for example, "Video Views Number 1." You can initially skip an AB split test and set a simple campaign budget of €10.

Creating Facebook video view ads: Step-by-step guide

3. Define target audience

Now comes the exciting part: defining the target audience. You should carefully consider the demographic characteristics of your prospects. For example: Do you want to target Germany, Switzerland, and Austria? Make sure to choose the age group of 20 to 40 years if you want to sell an online course product. You can specifically target men and women here.

Create Facebook video view ads: Step-by-step guide

4. Detailed targeting

Go to the "Detailed Targeting" section. Here you have the opportunity to add interests. You may search for terms like "online course" or "online advertising." Make sure to choose an option that has a broader reach. "Online Advertising" could be helpful here as it appeals to a wide interest.

Create Facebook video view ads: Step-by-step guide

5. Optimize placements

Now you determine where you want your ad to appear. The standard placements are usually helpful, but you should consider your preferences. You want to use the ad in Stories and not in regular feeds. This should be emphasized as interaction is highest there.

Creating Facebook video view ads: Step-by-step guide

6. Upload video

Now it's time to upload your video. It should be short and concise – five to 15 seconds is ideal. Click on the upload function and select your prepared video. Even simple videos can generate high view counts. High-quality videos in vertical orientation provide a better user experience.

Create Facebook video view ads: Step-by-step guide

7. Add text and call-to-action

A clear call-to-action is crucial. Write concise texts like "Want to learn how to earn money online? Swipe up for more information." Add an appealing URL and remember to write a short, concise description that piques your viewers' interest.

Creating Facebook video view ads: Step-by-step guide

8. Confirmation and completion

After entering all the information, scroll to the end of the page and click on "Confirm." You have now successfully created your first video views advertisement. The ad will be approved by Facebook and should soon appear in the feeds of your target audience.

Create Facebook video view ads: step-by-step guide


You have now learned how to create a video call-to-action advertisement on Facebook. With the right target audience and engaging content, you can successfully attract new leads for your product.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long should the video be for the ad?Ideal length is between five and fifteen seconds.

Which target audience should I target?Choose a demographic group that fits your product, for example, aged 20 to 40 years.

How can I better define my target audience?Use interests and demographic data to target customers more effectively.

How does Facebook recognize successful ads?Through interaction rates, clicks, and the number of views.

What are the best placements for video ads?The best placements are in Stories and in the Feed.