Welcome to the practical introduction to Microsoft OneNote! In this guide, you will learn how to open the application, create a notebook, and use basic features to handle OneNote. Whether you are brand new to OneNote or already have some experience - here you will get everything you need to start effectively.

Main Insights

  • OneNote can easily be started via the search bar.
  • The application can be minimized and used in full-screen mode without any issues.
  • You can save notebooks locally or on OneDrive.
  • OneNote automatically saves your notes and does not require manual saving.

Step-by-Step Guide

First, you need to find and start Microsoft OneNote on your computer. Click on the search bar and type in "OneNote." You will see the application and can open it directly.

Once you have started OneNote, you will see the user interface. To verify that the application is open, look at the taskbar. There you should see the OneNote icon, and a right-click on it will show you the recently used notebooks.

First steps with OneNote: Use the program effectively

If you plan to use OneNote often, you can also pin the application to the taskbar. Right-click on the OneNote icon in the taskbar and select "Pin to Taskbar." This way, you have quick access even if you close OneNote.

Another practical tip: You can create a shortcut to OneNote on your desktop. Go to the search bar, search for OneNote, right-click on the application, select "Open file location," and create a shortcut on your desktop.

If you minimize OneNote, the application will also open in minimized mode on the next start. However, if you want to close the application in full-screen mode, you can do so with the red X in the upper right corner.

First steps with OneNote: Use the program effectively

Now it's time to create your first notebook. Click on "File" and select "New." You have the option to create a new notebook. Name it, for example, "Notebook 1" and choose where it should be saved - locally or on OneDrive.

First steps with OneNote: Use the program effectively

When creating the notebook, you can also choose the storage location. A typical path would be your user folder or a folder on OneDrive. Click on "Create Notebook" to complete the process.

First steps with OneNote: Use the program effectively

It is important to note that we are not focusing on the OneNote user interface in this step; that will be covered later. For now, it’s about how to open and close notebooks. In the "File" menu, you can also see the path where your notebook is saved.

Once you have opened your notebook, you can start the Windows Explorer to check the storage location. Press the Windows key and E key simultaneously to open the Explorer.

First steps with OneNote: Use the program effectively

In the Explorer, you can paste the copied path to directly access your notebook. Use "Ctrl + V" for this purpose.

When you open the notebook, you will see the various sections and content you have created. It's time to learn how to close OneNote. Simply click on the red X or use the keyboard shortcut Alt + F4.

First steps with OneNote: Use the program effectively

Unlike other Microsoft applications, there is no shortcut in OneNote to close individual notebooks. You have to close the entire application to end your work.

In addition, OneNote automatically saves all changes, so manual saving is not required. All notes remain in their location on OneDrive and are immediately available when reopened.

In summary, we have covered the basic steps to start OneNote, create a first notebook, and close the application. With this knowledge, you are well equipped to effectively use OneNote.


In this guide, you have learned how to open OneNote, create a notebook, and effectively close the application.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I start Microsoft OneNote?You can start OneNote through the search bar by typing "OneNote" and clicking on the application.

How can I create a shortcut to OneNote on the desktop?Right-click on the OneNote application in the search bar, choose "Open file location," and create a shortcut on your desktop.

How do I save my notebook?OneNote automatically saves your notebook, you don't have to worry about manual saving.

How do I close OneNote?You can close OneNote by clicking on the red X in the top right corner or using the Alt + F4 keyboard shortcut.

Can I only close one notebook in OneNote?No, you can only close the entire application, not individual notebooks.

How do I find my notebook in Windows Explorer?Open the Explorer and paste the location of your notebook that you previously copied.