Create your own podcast - the ultimate practical guide

Finding podcast interview guests: Effective strategies for your success

All videos of the tutorial Create your own podcast - the ultimate practical guide

Finding suitable interview guests for your podcast can be a challenging task. There are numerous ways to find interesting individuals who can captivate your audience. In this guide, I provide you with concise techniques to find interview guests that are both relevant and engaging. The key is to use the right platform and be creative.

Main Insights

  • Utilize platforms like Spotify, YouTube, and social media to find potential guests.
  • Research active and relevant individuals in your field.
  • The first contact plays a crucial role; make your inquiries friendly and non-committal.
  • Exchange of followers can also be a good motivator for interviews.

Step-by-Step Guide

Browsing Podcasts on Spotify

The first step is to browse podcasts related to your theme. Go to Spotify, select "Browse" and choose the "Podcasts" category to search for your specific topics such as "Business" or "Technology". Here, you can see which hosts are active in your area.

Find podcast interview guests: Effective strategies for your success

For example, if you type in "Business" and go through different podcasts, you will see many interesting hosts whom you could approach. Pay attention to which guests they have had in their previous episodes. This will give you an idea of who is likely open to an interview, such as Christian Bischof or Tatjana Lackner.

Utilizing YouTube as a Research Tool

Another useful platform is YouTube. Search for content in your niche. You should watch videos related to your podcast theme. Often, in the recommendations, you will find channels that are also focused on finance and similar topics.

Finding podcast interview guests: Effective strategies for your success

By viewing many videos on a topic, you will likely find many potential interview guests. Look at the channel info to get their contact details. This can lead directly to an email contact or other opportunities.

Finding podcast interview guests: Effective strategies for your success

Using Social Media for Contacts

Instagram and Facebook offer excellent opportunities to find guests. Enter relevant search terms on Instagram to find accounts in your niche. Check the profiles to discover possible contact options. Often, you can also send direct messages there and request an interview.

Find podcast interview guests: Effective strategies for your success

In Facebook groups, you can specifically address people interested in similar topics. Search for groups related to your podcast theme, e.g., for "Finance" or "Pizza". Often, these groups include people who are also interested in interviews.

Finding podcast interview guests: Effective strategies for your success

Formulating Contact Requests

Once you have found a potential guest, craft your request in a friendly and clear manner. It helps to talk a bit about your podcast and emphasize the value for the guest. It might also be helpful to mention a reason why this guest would be particularly interesting to your listeners. This way, your request will not be perceived as unpleasant.

Finding podcast interview guests: Effective strategies for your success

Mutual Benefit

Many people are willing to participate in an interview if they know they will also receive something in return. Whether it's a mention of their name, a link to their channel, or a small monetary reward, it doesn't matter. Make it clear that you are open to such offers.

Finding podcast interview guests: Effective strategies for your success

Analyzing Successes and Failures

On your search for interview partners, you may also receive rejections. This is normal. Analyze what went well and what did not. This will help you revise your approach and be more successful in contacting in the future. Learning from your experiences will pay off for future requests.

Finding podcast interview guests: Effective strategies for your success


The steps described above are essential to attract good interview guests for your podcast. It is important to approach the search openly and creatively. Remember that not everyone has to be well-known to offer a valuable perspective. With the right strategy and a positive attitude, you will find the right interview partners.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I find the right interview guests for my podcast?Use platforms like Spotify and YouTube to search for relevant individuals in your field.

Should I only approach well-known personalities?No, less known but interesting individuals can also provide valuable insights.

How should I structure my contact request?Be friendly and explain why the guest would be interesting for your listeners.

What if I receive rejections?That's normal! Learn from your experiences and revise your approach.

Are there specific platforms for finding interview guests?Yes, both social networks and podcast and video platforms are excellent for this purpose.