Welcome to Looks & Styles with Photoshop. This training is made for you. It's made for you because you're on a quest. You're on a journey and you want to get there.
You've done a great retouch here. You've taken a beautiful picture, but something is missing. Those last two percent - where are they?
This training is made just for you, to guide you on this quest, to teach you to tease those last two percent out of your image. I have packed everything possible into over 30 looks on various topics to accompany you on this journey and help you get there.
I explain various fashion looks, beauty looks, outdoor looks and I've included a chapter on high-speed looks for when you really need to get things done quickly and you're short on time or you want to show a client quickly: yes, this is how the final image could look, with just a few clicks you'll have your image ready once you've decided on this look.
How do you decide on a look? What ultimately defines a look? What are they actually good for?
That's what this training is for. You will achieve optimum learning success because I have included all the working files. You will receive the complete layer stack and the original files for each chapter. So you can work along optimally. I'll show you here with this landscape shot, using my example, so that you can imagine what this is all about. I took this picture some time ago, retouched it, added this sun effect and adjusted the contrasts, so I liked the picture.

When I produced this workout, I thought to myself: It's actually a good example. Have I already arrived here? Or is that two percent still in there somewhere?
And then I started playing around. I thought to myself: Well, it's a bit soft. It could do with a high-contrast look. It's already very hard and crisp. I really liked it, and now I'm faced with the decision: do I leave it like this? I actually still really like it. Or do I go for the high-contrast version?

And then I thought to myself: high contrast ... I could also have a look at this in black and white.

And lo and behold: black and white totally blew me away. When I look at my original in comparison ...
... yes, the colors and the sun, it all pops nicely, ...

... but black and white? Wow! These contrasts! This black and this white! Almost completely outshone here and drenched here - that's exactly what I want.

Then I thought to myself: well, maybe I can make it really soft:

That doesn't look bad either, ...
... But then I stuck with the black and white version. Or do I add light leaks to this version?

As you can see, the journey is almost endless. That's what this training is made for - to accompany you on this journey and help you find your own look and style.
Have fun with it!