You are facing the challenge of writing texts, but they are far from the desired quality? Perhaps you don't know how to formulate the first sentence, or you're struggling with the right style. There is a clear way that can help you write your texts systematically and successfully. Take this path in four crucial steps to establish your writing routine and create compelling texts.

Main Insights

  • Start by freewriting without censoring yourself.
  • Then fill in gaps in your text to optimize the structure.
  • Create a common thread, the headline, and the introduction.
  • Refine with special attention to language and clarity.

Step-by-Step Guide


The first step in your writing process is simply to freewrite. Whether you're writing an essay, a blog post, or a report, the quality of style, spelling, and grammar are incidental at this stage. Your task is to create a first draft. Take the core contents you have developed before and express your thoughts on them. Do not correct yourself while writing—freewriting helps to overcome writer's block or mental blocks. It may be challenging at first to allow feelings and creativity to flow while unfolding the text, but give yourself and this method a chance.

Filling in the Gaps

Once you have your first draft on paper, you will quickly see where there are still gaps, what is missing, or where transitions are necessary. This is the moment to realize if the order of your content needs to be adjusted or if perhaps an entire topic is unnecessary. The ability to organize your train of thought and create structure becomes tangible now. Consider which sections need more information and where connections between topics may be missing.

Formulating Headline and Introduction

In the third step, focus on the headline and introduction. It is advisable to first write a rough draft before creating the final headline and introduction. Once you have a rough idea of your text, it will be easier to be more creative when it comes to the headline and the first paragraph. These two elements are crucial as they are the first things your readers see. They should be engaging and informative, achieved through careful word selection.

Learn to write texts effectively in 4 steps


After your text is roughly outlined, refinement is the final step in the process. Take the time to thoroughly read your rough draft. Pay special attention to whether the formulations are precise, if the text follows a common thread, and if there are sections that are unnecessary or can be omitted. Finally, check for spelling and grammar errors to ensure the professionalism of your text. This process is crucial to create a clear and engaging text that resonates with your readers.


This guide has shown you the steps necessary to write effective texts. Starting with freewriting and easier filling of the desired contents, through creating a headline and introduction, to the final refinement. With this structured approach, you can find your writing routine and continually improve your writing skills.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I start writing?Simply start by freewriting and don't worry about spelling or style.

What should I do if I have no ideas?Use your core message and the pre-established content as inspiration for your text.

How can I improve the quality of my text?Go through the steps: freewriting, filling in gaps, creating a headline and introduction, as well as refining.

How often should I revise my texts?It is recommended to thoroughly read and revise your text at least once to find errors and improve the flow.

When is the best time to receive feedback?Seek feedback during the refinement stage when your text is almost finished to receive constructive feedback.