How to optimize your photos with Adobe Camera Raw. Get to know the raw converter inside out - and even more importantly: sharpen your eye for detail. In this two-hour video tutorial, Photoshop expert Michael Baierl tweaks the controls and lets you know which settings are suitable for which photo situations. Working material included!
After this video tutorial, you will see your photos with different, even more experienced eyes. Get started right away and use the Camera Raw functions to fine-tune your photos to perfection.
Adobe Camera Raw - so many functions and controls - so many possibilities! But when and for what do you use what? Find out in this video tutorial! You've come to the right place ...
Every tool and all the important functions explained using practical examples - your trainer Michael Baierl welcomes you to a two-hour intensive course:
You call up Adobe Camera Raw in Photoshop if you want to develop raw files or edit JPG images. With version 12.3, the program interface of the plug-in has been completely revised. This is exactly where the video tutorial comes in. All explanations take place on the new interface so that you can follow what is shown directly in the current version.
In the first part of the video training, you will learn the basics as well as the tools and their functions. For example, white balance and cropping, the linear and radial graduated filters as well as the color pickup, correction brushes and the tool for removing red eyes are used.
You will see how the various tools affect your images in individual photo examples. Open the working files to accompany the training so that you can practically reproduce what has been shown in Camera Raw .
You will rarely open Adobe Camera Raw to perform just one editing step. Instead, you will combine the options to retouch your photos, adjust the brightness and color, make lens corrections and create certain image looks, for example.
Whether you want to sharpen your photo, convert it to black and white, remove sensor spots or straighten the horizon line - your trainer will provide you with suitable solutions for typical photo editing challenges . In a final chapter, many of the previously introduced techniques are combined in complete editing processes. Look over your trainer's shoulder as he fully optimizes and creatively enhances landscape, portrait, architecture, sports and business photos in Adobe Camera Raw.
Tip: In Adobe Camera Raw, you can use our presets to customize the look of your photos with just one click. Discover the right presets for your photos now.
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